STRP SHARE • Workshop in collaboration with retired technologists
For STRP BIENNAL i orga­nized a work­shop for the STRP SHARE SENIOR PROJECT. The STRP senior pro­gramme con­nects retired peo­ple with a tech­no­logic back­ground to new technology’s and art. Vise versa we can learn a lot from the par­tic­i­pants by their vast knowl­edge and exper­tise. Dur­ing a short work­shop course we build these inter­ac­tive sunflowers.
Con­cept: Heliotro­pism, a form of tro­pism, is the diur­nal motion or sea­sonal motion of plant parts (flow­ers or leaves) in response to the direc­tion of the sun. We took this aspect as start­ing point to cre­ate an inter­ac­tive instal­la­tion. The endresult is a small field of sun­flow­ers which fol­low the pass­ing vis­tors instead of fol­low­ing the sun.
Video registration Interactive Sunflowers